What is notable about "Good Samaritans of China" is that ordinary workers at grassroots have made extraordinary achievements in ordinary work. I hope that you will continue...
你知道今天是联合国中文日吗? 2010年,联合国新闻部将每年的农历节气谷雨(4月20日)定为“联合国中文日”。 原因是,传闻轩辕黄帝的史官仓颉在“谷雨”时节,创造了中国最原始的象形文字。 如今,中文是联合国六种正式语言之一,在国际上受到广泛重视,越来越多的外国友人已...
Chinese nationality 中国国籍 Chinese people 中国人民 而当Chinese做名词时,除了可以表示“中文”这种语言,还可以表示“中国人种”,而且前面要加上定冠词the,写成“the Chinese”...
将“伤害中国人民的感情”翻译为“hurt the feelings of the Chinese people”,在语义上产生的问题是“用词太轻”,但在语用层面造成的误解是:中国人民会因受伤而无助,期待他人说声“对不起”。这也解释了为什么一些人会错误地把这一用语和中国的“百年屈辱史”相联系...
Yang Yansui: Retirement age is determined by the dependency ratio between the number of elderly people and the workforce. Let's say five workers support one old person. We assume they are all employed and able to pay taxes. For every 100 yuan each ...
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